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A brief introduction on Research of THU
Like its educational goal, Tunghai values and places an equal emphasis on teaching and research. Teachers conduct research and utilize the research findings and results in their teaching. Also, since the development of the industries are driven by technology developments, how to increase the number of industry/ university cooperative research projects will be a key factor faced by today’s higher education institutions. Tunghai’s teachers mainly conduct their research through conducting research grants and presenting and publishing research findings. Also, teachers participate in industry/ university cooperative projects. Furthermore, teachers are members of international academic institutions and participated in international academic exchanges with Tunghai’s sister schools. To support teachers to conduct their research and increase the research quality in Tunghai, the university has upgraded research facilities and increased its interactions with various industries. Also, the university has formed collaborative partnerships with sister schools overseas.
Tunghai has established various research award guidelines to encourage teachers to conduct research, present and publish their research findings and to host and participate academic conferences. By providing research awards and subsidies for hosting conferences, teachers could conduct research that are related to their teaching and update their teaching with their latest research findings. In addition, the university has upgraded resources such as books, databases, equipments and etc for teachers to conduct research. During the 96 to 98 academic year, the overall research output has improved. This improvement can be seen by the increasing number of NSC project grants, the increase in the amount of NSC subsidies received, and the growth in the number of papers published each year.
In today’s ever-changing environment, it has become a necessity to make flexible changes on the structure and organization within the university. To highlight Tunghai’s solid foundation in the area of humanities and creative design, Tunghai has established the College of Fine Arts and Creative Design in 2007. The College of Fine Arts & Creative Design. The college consists of the following departments, Architecture, Industrial Design, Landscape Architecture, Fine Arts, and Music. Also, to meet the needs of the industry and the university’s development, in 2006 the Engineering College has undergone restructuring in its departments. The Engineering College has he following departments: Departments of Industrial Engineering and Enterprise Information, Chemical Engineering, Computer Science, Environmental Science and Engineering, and Electrical Engineering. With the restructuring of the Engineering College, both the research outputs and industry/university cooperative projects have been increased.
Besides the above mentioned research areas, Tunghai is also actively promoting conducting integrated inter-disciplinary research projects both within the campus and with the R&D institutions off campus. To prepare for the implementation of inter-disciplinary research projects, Tunghai has revised the regulations and guidelines for establishing teaching, research or service centers in 2007. In 2009, projects can apply to establish temporary university level research centers (Project centers).
Currently, Tunghai has grown into 8 colleges, 34 departments, 1 independent graduate school, and 5 university level research centers. Also, Tunghai has research resources such as the innovation incubation center and the center of expensive research equipments to support the operations of industry/ university cooperative projects. Since 1955, Tunghai has built a solid and strong foundation in research. With the professional know-how and passion from each teacher and student, Tunghai will focus its research development in3 major areas. They are green science, digital cultural creative industry, and corporate social responsibility. With the goal of developing research outputs in these 3 areas, Tunghai wish to turn them into Tunghai research specialty. With the research goals in mind, Tunghai will continue to pursue excellence in research, teaching and education and continue to be a competitive institution of higher education.