The College of Law
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The Law Department at Tunghai University was established in August 1980. With 30 years of education leadership, the Law Department is now one of the top comprehensive legal education systems in Central Taiwan including Undergraduate, Master of Laws, and Ph.D degree programs. To further improve teaching ability, enhance intellectual vitality, bolster interdisciplinary study, and increase scholarly productivity, in August 2009, Tunghai University has founded its eighth college - the College of Law.
This new College will continue to build upon our nationally renowned faculty in addition to our state-of-the-art facility and will also provide unique interdisciplinary study with hands-on legal clinics to sharpen our students’ foreign language proficiency and legal learning process. On the research front, several new centers will be established focusing on cutting-edge legal theories ranging from the law and economics, financial and banking law, to China’s legal and justice system. We encourage faculty involvement in innovative interdisciplinary research and support, publishing journal papers on the TSSCI list. We shall take advantage of the Central Taiwan Science Park and Taichung Industrial Park’s proximity to the College to further enrich our science and technology law faculty, strengthen our intellectual property and corporate law programs, and to ultimately better prepare our students to become leaders of the legal community.
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