The College of Engineering
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- The Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering
- The Department of Computer Science
- The Department of Environmental Science
- The Department of Industrial Engineering
- The Department of Electrical Engineering
The college of engineering at Tunghai University was established in 1960. It was reorganized in 2007 in accordance with the university’s development. It currently contains five departments: chemical engineering, industrial engineering and enterprise information, environmental science and engineering, computer science, and electrical engineering. The college has a research center: industrial automation.
Each of the college’s departments and center has its distinctive characteristics. Chemical engineering emphasizes on advanced material, biochemistry, and chemical systems. Industrial engineering and enterprise information focuses on systems engineering, intelligent systems, and enterprise management. Environmental science and engineering studies environmental ecology, nature conservation, environmental pollution prevention, environmental toxicology, environmental chemistry, and environmental planning and management. Computer science emphasizes on software engineering, computer networking, and embedded systems. Electrical engineering highlights wireless communication, semiconductor design and electronic materials as its development areas. The industrial automation center strengthens the training of automated manufacturing and management, enabling both the faculties and students to be better equipped for the industries.
Two departments are reaching out to have exchange programs with universities abroad. The department of industrial engineering and enterprise information has a 5-year double degree agreement with Florida State university. In the same fashion, the department of chemical engineering works with New Jersey Stevens Institute with such a double degree program. In 2001 and 2005, the department of industrial engineering and enterprise information was awarded one of the distinguished departments at the university. The departments of chemical engineering, and computer science were also awarded the honor in 2002 and 2004 respectively.
At the present time, three of the five departments offer second major courses: chemical engineering, industrial engineering and enterprise information, and computer science. Both industrial engineering and enterprise information, and computer science departments provide master programs as extension education. Special topic course programs are also given: polymer engineering by chemical engineering, collaborative business management by industrial engineering, software engineering by computer science and automated manufacturing systems jointly by chemical engineering, and industrial engineering and enterprise information.
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