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- Received “Teaching Excellence” awards from the Ministry of Education for 6 consecutive years
- Alma mater of 5 Academia Sinica researchers and 9 university presidents
- 140 international sister schools in 24 countries spanning 5 continents
- Received grants to offer international internship programs at Italy, England, Holland and etc.
- Offers various dual degree program system for outstanding students to obtain dual BA/ MA degrees in Tunghai and in an Overseas educational institution
- Provided various admission channels for admitting overseas Chinese, foreign students and mainland Chinese students to create an international campus
- Invited internationally acclaimed scholars and visited by Nobel Prize recipients, Pulitzer Prize winners.
- Founded a liberal arts “Po-ya School” and emphasizes character development and carried out in students’ daily campus life
- Won 4 gold medals, 4 silver medals and 1 special award at the 2011 Geneva Invention Expo
- Won 2 gold meals and 2 silver medal and 1 special Iran judge award at the 2010 London Invention Expo